All We Know

All for Bay Area Landscape Pros.
Since 1869, Bay Area Landscape Pros have turned to us as a trusted nursery partner with over 155 years of experience and unique knowledge of our diverse region of California.

The result is confidence in knowing that we always do all that we can to help our customers succeed.
We frequently share valuable content to keep you in the know, enhance your skills, improve your plant knowledge, announce special offers, and so much more.

Check out any of the content below and feel free to share it with your social communities just by clicking on the sidebar on the left.
Growing Plant List | Pacific Nurseries

What are we growing right now?

Our Growing Plant List is an alphabetized list of all of the plants that we’re growing, right now, at Pacific Nurseries. Check it out to learn more.

Ready to work with you | Pacific Nurseries

We’re ready to work with you

After weeks of pandemic disruption, we are open and ready to work with you to provide the plants, products, and essential services that Landscape Pros have to come to rely on from us for over 150 years.