Many Bay Area Landscape Pros know that we’re a WHOLESALE ONLY nursery that provides plants, products, and services tailored to our unique customers. We also strive to grow your landscape business with specialty services and best practices that will help you be a better pro.
An example of this is homeowners and other prospects frequently ask us if they can buy plants from us. Unfortunately, we have to tell them no. However, we would like to send these qualified prospects to you.
That’s right, we want to help you grow your business with referrals that are interested in your services. To learn how this works, read on.
An example of this is homeowners and other prospects frequently ask us if they can buy plants from us. Unfortunately, we have to tell them no. However, we would like to send these qualified prospects to you.
That’s right, we want to help you grow your business with referrals that are interested in your services. To learn how this works, read on.
Grow your landscape business by getting on our list
We want to add you to our new Bay Area Landscape Professional Referral List. Once you’re added to this exclusive list that will appear on our website, interested prospects will be able to easily get in touch with you to evaluate your services and their needs.The benefits to you include:
- Interested prospect access to qualified list of Bay Area Landscape Pros—including you
- Organized geographically by Bay Area region
- Provides all of your contact information
- Allows interested prospects to contact you directly
No preferences or obligations
When you become a member of this exclusive list, Pacific Nurseries will not be recommending or rating your or your services. And we will not be responsible for the quality or cost of your work.We are offering this opportunity as a helpful, no-obligation referral service to you and prospects interested in landscape services in your area. If the referrals we provide result in a new customer for you, we would appreciate the opportunity for you to purchase plants for the project from us.
Click the button below to contact us about adding your business to our Bay Area Landscape Pro Referral List. We look forward to helping you succeed with some new opportunities.
Helping Bay Area Landscape Pros succeed since 1869

For over 150 years, landscape pros have turned to us for our personalized service, expert advice, and an ever-growing selection of plants.
As both a grower and a plant broker, we can provide just the right trees or native, water-wise plants that will make your project a success.
If you want to research plants, check out our three easy-to-use PLANT LISTS that will help you quickly search and locate the specimens that you’re looking for. All of them are available for immediate purchase or delivery.
And if you need a Plant Order, just click on over to use our convenient ONLINE ESTIMATE | ORDER FORM.
As the Founder of Pacific Nurseries, Don Baldocchi gets satisfaction from knowing the Bay Area is greener and more beautiful by helping landscape professionals succeed. Email Don or give him a call at 650.755.2330.