All We Know
The result is confidence in knowing that we always do all that we can to help our customers succeed.
Check out any of the content below and feel free to share it with your social communities just by clicking on the sidebar on the left.

Supporting the art and science of western horticulture
We value giving back and supporting the community of landscape professionals that we serve every day. This includes the Pacific Horticulture Society (PHS).

Supporting tomorrow’s green leaders at Garden Feast
We recently sponsored and helped organize the Garden Feast event at the San Francisco Botanical Garden. The event generated awareness of the Youth Education Program and raised revenue to support it.

Acres of inspiration await you
Visit our Colma Growing Grounds for acres of inspiration on how to select the right plants to make your landscape project a success.

In a drought, go native with your installation
In a drought stricken environment like this, what’s a landscape pro to do when your project’s success depends on life-giving water? Just go native.

Gentle Giant wins an iPad in our survey promotion
John Herbert of Gentle Giant’s Landscape & Gardening Services was the lucky winner of a FREE Apple iPad Mini from Pacific Nurseries.

APLD Landscape Design conference rolls into Motown.
The annual APLD conference provided great opportunities for networking and sharing trade techniques while attendees earned CED units to meet their annual requirements.

Landscape Pros: Tell us how to make it better for you.
Take the Pacific Nurseries Landscape Pro Survey and enter to win a Free iPad Mini!

The easiest part of your landscape project estimate.
Our online estimate form helps you put together an accurate and clear project estimate for your clients.

Helping the San Rafael Canal District grow healthy and beautiful.
Pacific Nurseries provided all of the trees, shrubs and featured plants for the opening of the Canal Community Garden in San Rafael which was met with neighborhood delight.

Don’t trash them! Recycle your empty plant containers with us.
Stop adding to landfill and recycle your empty plant containers at our Colma growing grounds.