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How APLD certification credentials set you apart | Pacific Nurseries

Our customers share with us that they face plenty of challenges working here in the Bay Area—including having landscape pro credentials.

From the high cost of living to recruiting and compensating qualified workers to lots of competition for new clients, there’s no shortage of issues that require constant attention and effort in order to succeed.

Show me your landscape pro credentials

Acquiring new customers is one of the most important activities a landscape pro needs to allocate time for. And one of the most effective ways to stand apart from others when trying to turn prospects into new customers is to be either licensed or certified by a recognized professional landscape organization.

Interestingly, our own research in the Bay Area landscape pro community reveals that many members don’t belong to a professional organization aligned with the landscape trade.
Bay Area Landscape Pro Survey Results | Pacific Nurseries
Plenty of Bay Area Landscape Pros don’t belong to a professional organization | Pacific Nurseries Survey

Ongoing support for our diverse community

As a wholesale nursery with over 155 years of experience in the Bay Area, we believe it is important to support recognized organizations that provide valuable benefits to their members.

And, if their focus or mission is on furthering professional development and improving the quality and conditions for all members, we support them with sponsorships, financial contributions, and long-term relationships.
APLD encourages all members to demonstrate and adhere to a code of professional standards and qualifications including:

  • | Certified status based on skills, knowledge + quality of finished projects
  • | Rigorous peer review program of finished work solutions
  • | Active participation in + assessment on continuing education
  • | Fluency with state-of-the-art developments + trade trends
  • | Access to all certified members by client prospects

APLD includes members throughout the US in individual state chapters including the Bay Area in California. They also have members in international chapters with the association’s day-to-day management, headquartered in Harrisburg, PA.

“APLD membership has many benefits for both experienced and beginning designers with plenty of networking, leadership and career building opportunities every month all over the Bay Area.”

Mary Fisher | APLD Bay Area Programs + Sponsorship Chair

How certified landscape pro credentials can set you apart

APLD Certified Landscape Professional | Pacific NurseriesAPLD offers members a rigorous certification program that provides professional recognition of competency and quality of landscape design solutions based on established standards of excellence.

This proven process encourages self-assessment by offering guidelines for achievement. Certification recognition is available with these requirements:

  • | Member in good standing
  • | Provided landscape design services to clients for 3+ yrs

The certification process is the only international certification program for landscape designers. It evaluates a candidates’ work which is selected by the candidate and submitted to the APLD certification committee. The evaluation process only reviews finished projects and is not intended to provide educational or training curriculum.

A valid certification submission consists of three installed projects and requires project drawings, plant list, design intent statement and photographs for each project. All submissions are kept confidential between the applicant and APLD.

The APLD Certification Review Panel convenes two times each year to review certification applications. The current review schedule takes place in February and September.

This informative video provides an overview of the certification process and highlights some of the benefits, enhanced credibility, and differentiation that members receive.

Enhancing credibility, learning, and proficiency

APLD also encourages members who become certified to continue their education by requiring 30 verified contact hours of Continuing Education Units | CEUs every three years.

As a growing organization with over 5000 members, APLD also offers members additional opportunities and benefits including:

  • | Specialized insurance discounts
  • | Business promotion + marketing tools
  • | Quarterly print publication | The Designer
  • | 20% discount on McGraw-Hill books
  • | Job Board
  • | Educational webinar discounts
  • | Seasonal lecture series
  • | Annual conference discount
  • | Legislative advocacy + representation
  • | Local chapter events for education + networking
  • | Credits for member recruitment
  • | And more
Watershed Approach to Bay Area Landscape Design | Pacific Nurseries
Watershed Approach to Bay Area Landscape Design | Pacific Nurseries + APLD

One click away from a great learning resource

APLD and Pacific Nurseries have teamed up to offer Landscape Pros a comprehensive guide to Bay Area Landscape Design titled: WATERSHED APPROACH TO LANDSCAPE DESIGN.

As a great example of the resources that APLD provides to its’ members, this informative and timely guide covers many dimensions of effective and sustainable Bay Area landscape design including:

  • | Evaluating your site
  • | Growing living soil
  • | Capturing water to spread, sink + store
  • | CA Native + pollinator-friendly plant recommendations
  • | Fire-safe planning
  • | Inspiring Bay Area landscape solutions
  • | And much more

To get your free copy of this helpful guide, just click the button below.

If you’re short on time, this 2-minute video outlines the watershed approach to Bay Area landscape design that is detailed in the free downloadable guide.

Time to improve your professional standing?

If you’re ready to up your game and improve your landscape pro credentials by becoming a member of APLD, just click the button below to get started and learn more.

Wholesale, local, and on your side

Serving Landscape Professionals for over 150 years | Pacific NurseriesAs both a grower and a plant broker, we’re ready to work with you to provide just the right water-wise, CA native, and fire-resistant ground covers, grasses, shrubs or trees that will make your project a success.

We can also provide an Estimate for one item to an entire installation just by attaching your plant list to our convenient online estimate form.

Contact any of our experts online at Pacific Nurseries or just call 650.755.2330.
Growing Plant List for fire-resistant landscape | Pacific Nurseries
Learn what we’re growing right now in available sizes | Pacific Nurseries

Ready to make your installation beautiful?

If you want to know what’s in bloom and looking great right now for your project, our Prime Plant List is an easy-to-use summary of items we have in limited availability and prime seasonal condition. All of them are available for immediate purchase or delivery.

Are you a member of a recognized landscape organization?

If you’re already a member of APLD, share your experience with our community of Bay Area landscape pros. Has your membership added value or helped you to differentiate your services? Leave a comment below. We look forward to hearing from you.

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