In the cold and gray months of Winter, many Bay Area Landscape Pros often overlook ornamental grasses as a source of landscape beauty.
There are a number of grasses that provide striking foliage, impressive visual impact, and strong textural contrast to other plants throughout the Winter season. In fact, many of them look terrific all year long.
There are a number of grasses that provide striking foliage, impressive visual impact, and strong textural contrast to other plants throughout the Winter season. In fact, many of them look terrific all year long.
Beauty, simplicity, and texture for any season
We’ve assembled a small group of grasses that Bay Area Landscape Pros in our community tell us their clients love through the Winter and throughout the year. Check them out below and consider adding one or more of them to your next project.Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’
Common Name | Dwarf Mat Rush

Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’ is a tufted dioecious perennial herb with long narrow blade-like leaves that arise from a central stemless base. Some of the many great attributes of this versatile plant is the ability to perform well near the coast and in both sun and shade. Originally from the diverse habitats of rainforests to arid areas in Australia, Lomandra has very low water requirements and is considered summer-dry tolerant. It also grows more rapidly with regular watering. This very flexible and versatile plant appreciates being cut back hard to tight mounds no more than 6″ tall. This aggressive cutting back cleans up older foliage and promotes new growth.
Stipa arundinacea
Common Name | Pheasant Tail Grass

Stipa arundinacea, commonly known as Pheasant’s Tail Grass, originates from the Mediterranean region and is not native to California. It stands out as one of the most resilient grass species. This ornamental grass forms clumps adorned with slender, bronze-orange leaves that shimmer when illuminated by sunlight. This popular grass is ideal for rock gardens and containers. And when planted in mass, it can make a distinctive statement in Bay Area landscapes. It does best in environments with partial sun and a consistent watering routine. We recommend it as a striking and adaptable choice for landscape pros.
Muhlenbergia dumos
Common Name | Bamboo Muhly

Muhlenbergia dumosa is an attractive and unusual grass that features wispy stems and fine foliage that move freely in the wind. As a native to Arizona and northern Mexico, it resembles fine bamboo. The bright-green foliage and airy stems reach 4-6′ tall and are populate with dense, small, lavender flowers in fall. It prefers full sun with occasional water and is summer-dry tolerant. As a slowly spreading out-of-the-ordinary grass, it is appropriate for use rocky grades, under oaks and open, full sun landscapes.
Carex testacea
Common Name | Orange Sedge

Carex testacea is not a California native. But it’s one of the hardiest of the New Zealand Hair Sedges and one of our favorites. It forms striking mounds of narrow, bronzy-orange leaves and when exposed to sunlight, the foliage seems to shimmer with movement. It’s a striking solution in rock gardens as well as containers. And it prefers exposure to partial sun with regular watering.
Expert advice on grasses, installation and so much more
For over 155 years, landscape professionals have turned to Pacific Nurseries for our personalized service, expert advice, and an ever-growing selection of plants. From one item to an entire installation, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for in over 40 acres of inventory that includes everything from the ordinary to the exotic.As both a grower and a plant broker, we’re ready to work with you to provide just the right grasses, trees or native, water-wise plants that will make your project a success. It’s one of the many qualities that makes us different from just an ordinary nursery.
And if you need a plant material Estimate or would like to place an Order, just click on over to use our convenient ONLINE ESTIMATE | ORDER FORM.
What’s your favorite winter plant?
And if you install any of these great plants, please share your photos of the project. We’d love to see how these unique specimens improved your project or helped you succeed with your customer.As the Founder of Pacific Nurseries, Don Baldocchi gets satisfaction from knowing the Bay Area is greener and more beautiful by helping landscape professionals succeed. Email Don or give him a call at 650.755.2330.