All We Know
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Thirst for conservation at the WaterSmart Conference.
The annual WaterSmart Conference will present new ideas, best-practices and the latest information on water efficient irrigation systems, reclaimed water use, drip systems, and even satellite control systems.

Not the same old foggy thing at King Island Growers.
Located in California’s Central Valley, King Island Growers offers a dramatically different environment than the marine air of the Pacific Nurseries Colma Growing Grounds.

Solanum Crispum: An amazing color vine!
Solanum Crispum ‘Glasnevin’ is a stunning evergreen vine with beautiful lilac, soft blue flowers with a little yellow center.

SF Sidewalk Garden Contest
The San Francisco Department of Public Works is having a Sidewalk Garden Contest promoting sustainable landscapes and community involvement through transforming grey sidewalk areas into green landscaped spaces

How to make a garden good enough to eat.
Adding edible plants is one of the many ways to enhance a Bay Area garden with color, texture, variety and great taste.

Versatile Lomandra for Bay Area landscapes
If you have one of those hard to fill spots in your landscape project, consider Lomandra—sometimes called Mat Rush.

Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood
Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood is a magnificent tree featuring beautiful white flowers that grow to more than four inches in diameter in the spring.

Magnolia sieboldii: What a gem for any installation
Consider the Magnolia Dieboldii for a landscape installation that requires a tree for a highly visible location or patio where you need a beautiful statement.

Eggs, Beekman Boys, Community Gardens and Radical Homemakers.
How community gardens, sustainable farming, earth-friendly practices and media are influencing how we consider the food we consume.

Fall bedding plants & bulb season is coming up
Select your favorite fall bulbs from our wide selection for a blooming Spring.