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Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood

Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood | Pacific Nurseries
It’s a wonder that more people don’t grow and enjoy Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood.

Ten years after it was discovered by Vancouver, B.C. nurseryman, Henry M. Eddie, it’s been commercially propagated and available in many wholesale nurseries since 1955.

A beauty that will make any installation blossom

The tree has beautiful white flowers that grow to more than four inches in diameter in the spring. Composed of four to six large, rounded and overlapping bracts, these blooms create a striking display in the spring.

Dark green summer foliage is handsome throughout the summer months and turns to rich red in the fall. Small red fruits decorate its branches in winter.

Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood | Pacific Nurseries
Cornus, Eddie’s White Wonder

A hybrid of the Pacific Northwest native dogwood, Cornus nuttallii, and Cornus florida, it grows taller and has larger flowers than those of the Cornus floida.

It is also easier to grow, more resistant to anthracnose, and generally more adaptable than its other parent, Pacific Dogwood.

Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood grows to a height of about 25 feet with a spread of about 20 feet.

Stop by to see all of our Dogwoods

Currently, we have numerous sizes of this dogwood from which to choose. From 15 gallon to 2″ caliper specimens. Contact us or stop by to see our selection and learn more!

Need an Estimate for Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood?

To place a Plant Material Order for Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood, get an Estimate or to discuss the unique needs of your landscape project, just send us an email or give us a call at 650.755.2330.

If we don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, we can get what you need, when you need it as both a Grower and Plant Broker. We can also provide an Estimate for one item or for an entire installation by attaching your Microsoft Excel .xlsx plant list to our convenient Online Estimate Form

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