Join us at NorCal for landscape tips, talk and techniques.

NorCal Horticultural Show

We do our best to reach out, introduce Pacific Nurseries and stay connected with the great community of  landscape professionals throughout the Bay Area. As a demonstration of that commitment, we will proudly be exhibiting at the upcoming NorCal Horticultural Trade Show.

Tips, techniques and trade talk for landscape professionals.

The Nor Cal show is a unique event that serves as a platform for landscape contractors, technical experts, plant growers, and related professionals to assemble and discuss key issues, trends and products related to the horticulture industry. It also provides the opportunity to explore the latest horticultural products, services and garden equipment.

Attendees, landscape pros and gardening enthusiasts can also collect tips, tools and techniques for landscaping, designing and gardening.

Conveniently located on the Peninsula.

The one day annual event will take place on Monday, February 14, 2013 at the San Mateo Expo Center. 2013 NorCal Show | Pacific NurseriesAdmission is free and begins at 9AM with unlimited access to the show floor until 5PM.

There will be plenty of opportunity for landscape pros and gardeners to meet face-to-face and share tips and training for landscaping, garden design and innovative solutions. Exhibitors at the show include nurseries, landscape products providers and specialty landscape services companies from around the Bay Area and across the country.

Join us and the Bay Area Landscape Professional community.

Please join us and stop by our booth to discuss your project needs and plant requirements. Our team of plant specialists will be on hand to show you some of our specimens, answer questions and share our knowledge and expertise on how to make your landscape project a success.

We look forward to seeing you there. Post a comment and let us know if you will attend. Or share this post about the event with your colleagues!

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