Starting on July 15, 2021, Pacific Nurseries will have new daily operating hours.
Every Monday through Friday our Colma Growing Grounds and sales office will continue to open at 7:30 am and will now be closing at 3:00 pm. We will also continue to be closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Every Monday through Friday our Colma Growing Grounds and sales office will continue to open at 7:30 am and will now be closing at 3:00 pm. We will also continue to be closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Small change to daily operating hours to make a big difference
This important change to our operating hours will provide many benefits to both our community of Bay Area Landscape Professionals and our dedicated staff.By closing daily on weekdays at 3 pm we will be able to:
- | align our operation hours to our peers within the nursery industry
- | provide more timely + consistent response to customer inquiries—including order status updates
- | avoid late-in-the-day congestion + crunch by growing grounds visitors
- | better serve landscape pros without daily closing activity distractions

No mistaking when we’re open
In addition to modifying our operating hours, we will also have staff on hand at the Hillside Boulevard entry to our Colma Growing Grounds and within the Office/Will-Call Pick-up area.These staff members can help our customers understand our facility’s operating status and adjust their visiting time to align with when we are open.
The table above summarizes our new operation hours and when you can plan on visiting our facility to:
- | browse inventory
- | purchase plants
- | pick up at will-call
- | talk to landscape specialist staff
New daily operating hours + ready to help
If you’re looking for a popular plant or something more exotic for your next project, we’ve got you covered.As both a grower and a plant broker, we’re ready to work with you to provide just the right ground covers, water-wise grasses, flowering shrubs, California natives, and beautiful specimen trees that will make your project a success.
It’s one of the many qualities that has made us different from just an ordinary nursery for over 150 years.
Find your plants in our easy-to-use lists
If you want to know what’s in season and looking great right now for your project, check out our Prime Plant List. And for a more comprehensive, alphabetized list of what we’re growing right now, check out our Growing Plant List.These easy-to-use lists can help you find the exact plants that you’re looking for. And if the plant you want is not on our lists, we’ll do all that we can to get you what you want, when you need it.
To request a plant material Estimate or to place a plant material Order, just click on over to use our ONLINE ESTIMATE | ORDER FORM.
As Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Nurseries, Will Baldocchi focuses on operations management, sales, and how to improve the customer experience at Pacific Nurseries. He also continues a proud family tradition of helping Bay Area Landscape Professionals succeed with high-quality landscape material and great service. Email Will or give him a call at 650.755.2330.