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Malus domestica | Pacific Nurseries

Malus domestica

Common Name | Apple
Popular Plant Non-CA Native | Pacific Nurseries
Non-CA Native
There are hundreds of Malus domestica varieties, and some varieties have several strains, each with its own characteristics. Apples that are well adapted to the Bay Area include the Fuji and Gala varieties. They feature delicious fruit that is sweet, juicy, and crisp making them perfect for eating and cooking. These trees prefer moist, well-drained soil with lots of sun. A cool climate is needed for good coloration and the production of fruit. Winter chilling requirements are between 1200–1500 hours below 45°F. Foggy days and wet dews can cause heavy cosmetic russeting on fruit. It’s best to plant apple trees in the cold season from January through March. Apple trees also require cross-pollination from another variety that blooms at the same time and produces abundant amounts of pollen. Gala, for example, is a self-fertile variety, but planting it with another pollinating variety will yield better tree health and fruit production results

Malus domestica

Attributes + Requirements

Popular Plant Pollinator Attraction | Pacific Nurseries
High Pollinator Attraction
Growth | 18-25′ High
Growth | 18-25′ Wide
Popular Plant Flower Color | Pacific Nurseries
Flower Color | White
Moderate Water
Full Sun
Popular Plant Soil Requirements | Pacific Nurseries
Soil | Sandy, Clay, Well-Drained
Special Features = Fragrant | Fruit + Berries | Showy Foliage
Popular Plant Sizes Grown | Pacific Nurseries
Malus domestica
Sizes Grown | 15 gal

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