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Isotoma fluviatilis | Pacific Nurseries

Isotoma fluviatillis

Common Name | Blue Star Creeper
Popular Plant Non-CA Native | Pacific Nurseries
Non-CA Native
Ground Cover
Isotoma fluviatillis is a beautiful, evergreen ground cover that’s fast-growing and ideal for locations that require heavy foot traffic. It forms a low-growing mat during the summer months producing a carpet of five-petalled, white-blue, star-shaped flowers. This tough, hard-working plant is ideal for use in garden beds, rockeries, and between paving stones. Surprisingly, it is nearly as rugged as ordinary grass.

Isotoma fluviatillis

Attributes + Requirements

Popular Plant Pollinator Attraction | Pacific Nurseries
Some Pollinator Attraction
Growth | 1-3″ High
Growth | 1-1.5′ Wide
Popular Plant Flower Color | Pacific Nurseries
Flower Color | Blue/White
Moderate Water
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Popular Plant Soil Requirements | Pacific Nurseries
Soil | Sandy, Clay, Well-Drained
Special Features = Low Maintenance | Deer Tolerant | Showy
Popular Plant Sizes Grown | Pacific Nurseries
Isotoma fluviatillis
Sizes Grown | 4″, 1 gal

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