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Jasmine nitidum | Pacific Nurseries

Jasmine nitidum

Common Name | Jasmine ‘Angel Wing’
Popular Plant Non-CA Native | Pacific Nurseries
Non-CA Native
Jasmine nitidum is an evergreen vine or shrub that grows quickly and creates a dense mass of foliage. It features white, small, pin-wheel shaped flowers that are followed by pointed pinkish-purple buds. The prolific flowers are quite fragrant and the leaves are smooth and glossy. As a fast-growing vine, it can be pruned quite severely into more of a shrub-like form in the garden. This easy-care plant does well on partially shaded banks and slopes and can be effective as an infill between other shrubs in the landscape.

Jasmine nitidum

Attributes + Requirements

Popular Plant Pollinator Attraction | Pacific Nurseries
Attracts Pollinators
Growth | 2-5′ High
Growth | 3-6′ Wide
Popular Plant Flower Color | Pacific Nurseries
Flower Color | White
Moderate Water
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Popular Plant Soil Requirements | Pacific Nurseries
Soil | Sandy, Clay, Well-Drained
Special Features = Fragrant | Low Maintenance | Attracts Pollinators | Costal Tolerant | Showy
Popular Plant Sizes Grown | Pacific Nurseries
Jasmine nitidum
Sizes Grown | 1 gal

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