More Landscape Pro Resources
More of what Bay Area Pros need to know.
Bay Area Landscape Pros need to know how to enhance their skills, improve plant knowledge, connect with other pros, and so much more.
All of the resources below are designed to do just that. Check them out or share them with your social communities just by clicking on the sidebar on the left.
Trade Organizations
The Plant California Alliance works to improve the understanding of plants as integral parts of our ecosystem that support the health and well-being of all Californians.
The California Landscape Contractors Association is a non-profit trade organization of licensed landscape and landscape-related contractors.
The Association of Professional Landscape Designers | APLD is an international organization with a mission to advance the profession of landscape design and to promote the recognition of landscape designers as qualified and dedicated professionals.
The Society’s mission is to lead, educate, and participate in the careful stewardship, wise planning, and artful design of our cultural and natural environments.
The industry’s premier professional association focuses solely on arboricultural consulting by providing a comprehensive, objective viewpoint to the diagnosis, appraisal, and evaluation of arboricultural issues.
World-class, public gardens here in the Bay Area demonstrate and display the beauty, diversity, and opportunity of what a landscape can be.
The Archives of American Gardens | AAG currently documents over 6,350 gardens throughout the United States from the 1870s to the present including written documentation, drawings, plans, and business files.
Connect to great gardens around the world, gardening education for all levels of skill, sources of information on any garden subject imaginable, and a community of gardeners eager to share their experiences, other great gardening events, and activities, and much, much more.
The professional association for public gardens in North America. They provide information for members and the public with many featured gardens.
Seasonal landscape trade shows offer unmatched opportunities for Landscape Pros to connect with peers, learn about new solutions, build industry credibility, gain insights into trade trends, and so much more. Check our informative Guide to see which one’s right for you.
Plant Research
The CNPS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of California native plants through science, education, and conservation.
An educational, non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together gardeners and garden professionals to share experiences.
In addition to being considered one of the finest gardening magazines in the US, they also host a variety of events, lectures, and educational opportunities including regional symposia and travel tours throughout the world.
Education | History
Garden Guides gathers and aggregates knowledge from gardening experts to answer all gardening questions.
Landscape Architecture Professional Practice| University of California, Berkeley Library.
Collections and studies trees, shrubs, and other plants from around the world that feature searchable plant information databases, and educational programs.
The Landscape Institute at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University continues to thrive as part of the Arboretum.
“My business prides itself on being green. The non-toxic, organic products and plants that we get from you are simply the best.”
Lana Pappas The Gardenista 
“You consistently have a great selection and plant variety that I just can’t find at other ordinary nurseries.”
Scott WheelerThe Urban Arborist 
“When the plants I’m looking for are out of stock or hard to find, you guys always get us what we need to keep our customers happy.”
Jennifer BrommeJennifer Bromme Landscape Design 
“It’s great to have a partner that can locate out of the ordinary plants. ”
Jeffrey F. GamboniLandscape Architect 
What plants are available right now?
Check our weekly updated Plant Availablity List to learn what you can pick up or have delivered, right now.
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