Prunus domestica | Plum trees are one of the best-adapted fruit tree species for almost anywhere in the Bay Area. They are very easy to grow and are tolerant of wet winter soils and dry summer conditions. Plums often bloom late enough to avoid most spring frosts and they have few pest problems. There are two different kinds of plums—Japanese and European. Most Japanese plums bloom earlier and mature earlier. They also require less chilling than European plums. Both types of plums require about 140–170 days to mature the crop. Most Japanese plum varieties need 500—900 hours of chill time below 45°F, while European plum varieties often require 700—1,000 hours. Plum trees get relatively large and should be spaced 12–18′ apart. Most plums require cross-pollination so it’s a good idea to plant two different varieties to ensure maximum fruit production. Check with one of our seasoned specialists to learn if the variety you’re interested in requires a pollinating partner tree.