San Francisco has been building new mini-parks all over the city called “Parklets“.
What the heck is a Parklet?
A Parklet is a new type of Pavement to Parks Project. Instead of reclaiming a piece of underutilized roadway at an intersection, Parklets repurpose two to three parking stalls along a block as space for people to relax, drink a cup of coffee, and enjoy the city around them.
Parklets do this by building out a platform into the parking lane so that the grade of the sidewalk gets carried out into the parking lane. On the platform, benches, planters, landscaping, bike parking, and café tables and chairs (in certain locations) all come together to provide a welcoming new public space. Each parklet is unique in style and materials.
Parklets are welcoming islands of rest and relaxation needed in a busy city. Check out more of them on the City of San Francisco’s planning department’s website. There are actually lots more than on their website.
Have you visited a Parklet in San Francisco?
Have you seen one of these installed in your neighborhood? Share it with us and we’ll post it for others to see along with your comments?
As the Founder of Pacific Nurseries, Don Baldocchi gets satisfaction from knowing the Bay Area is greener and more beautiful by helping landscape professionals succeed. Email Don or give him a call at 650.755.2330.