Landscape Pro Case Studies
Learn how local experts create award-winning landscapes.
Bay Area Landscape Pros have to get a lot right to manage a client relationship, develop a successful solution, and complete a project within budget to satisfy their customer.
We recognize that this can sometimes be more than challenging. As a result, these Bay Area Landscape Pro Case Studies detail how a select group of local Pros have produced some very impressive work.
We recognize that this can sometimes be more than challenging. As a result, these Bay Area Landscape Pro Case Studies detail how a select group of local Pros have produced some very impressive work.
Learn how they assessed their situation, conceived an inspiring solution, and overcame unique project challenges to create a beautiful landscape. They even share a select group of plants used on the job.
If you want to avoid mistakes and improve the outcome of your project, click on one of the CASE STUDIES below.
If you want to avoid mistakes and improve the outcome of your project, click on one of the CASE STUDIES below.
Learn how Wild Natives made a seamless transition to a CA native landscape that supports the environment and sustains local wildlife.
Segale & Cerini Landscaping turned a large site of diverse ecosystems into a unified + thriving landscape that invites visitor exploration.
Learn how Stuckeyscapes created a Mill Valley environment that encourages wandering and calming reflection with 360° of beauty.
Landscape Pros from across the US reach out to Zenscape to learn how they completed this challenging and award-winning Tiburon hillside project.
Michael A. Gonzalez Landscapes turned a neglected backyard into a magic garden full of seasonal blooming beauty for urban green relief.
Francisco J Landscaping turned a remodeled, modern Potrero Hill residence into a tropical, urban oasis for his San Francisco clients.
“When the plants I’m looking for are out of stock or hard to find, you guys always get us what we need to keep our customers happy.”
Jennifer BrommeJennifer Bromme Landscape Design 
“It’s great to have a partner that can locate out of the ordinary plants. ”
Jeffrey F. GamboniLandscape Architect 
“My business prides itself on being green. The non-toxic, organic products and plants that we get from you are simply the best.”
Lana Pappas The Gardenista 
“You consistently have a great selection and plant variety that I just can’t find at other ordinary nurseries.”
Scott WheelerThe Urban Arborist