2025 Landscape Trade Show Guide for Bay Area Pros
Connect with peers, gain trade insights, learn about solutions, and build credibility at 2025 Landscape Trade Shows for Bay Area pros.
Connect with peers, gain trade insights, learn about solutions, and build credibility at 2025 Landscape Trade Shows for Bay Area pros.
Large-scale, Ball + Burlap Prunus laurocerasus are available now for the 2024-2025 season.
Understand how these 8 essential components impact plant success in the Bay Area landscapes that you create for your clients.
Order $500 of plants from Pacific Nurseries between August 1 and August 31, 2024, for G&B Organic Fertilizer savings of 15%.
Learn how we’ve reorganized our Growing Grounds so that you can easily find all the CA native plants that you’re looking for.
Learn why the unique features of CA native Arctostaphylos make it a great plant choice for Bay Area landscapes.
With so many aesthetic and ecological benefits, it makes sense to consider one or all of these 7 California native grasses for your next installation.
Learn why removing + replacing fire-prone plants is a timely strategy to address rising risks and improve customer safety.
Some of the most handsome, popular and California native plants that Pacific Nurseries offers to Bay Area Landscape Professionals for privacy screens and green barriers.
Few plants can match the delight that your customers will find with so many Salvias from this Bay Area optimized group.
Learn how we turned our wholesale nursery into a more welcoming and supportive environment for essential bee pollinators.
With a thoughtful planting plan and regular care, the right vine can be a perfect solution for a Bay Area landscape that needs to climb out of the ordinary.
Learn all about landscape reducing the impact of climate change with tips, techniques, and innovative tools to succeed.
These great shade tolerant plants from Pacific Nurseries can make a sun-starved Bay Area garden both attractive and beautiful.
Whether you need a lot of plants and trees or the growth of some uncommon specimens, our Contract Grow service can provide all of the plants you need with price certainty.
Learn how we clone CA native plants at our Gabilan Growing Grounds using the proven practices and techniques pioneered by the Saratoga Horticultural Research Foundation.
Email | Pacific Nurseries
Call | 650.755.2330
Visit | 2499 Hillside Bl
Colma | CA 94014
Monday through Friday
7:30 AM—3:00 PM