Some of the most handsome, popular and California native plants that Pacific Nurseries offers to Bay Area Landscape Professionals for privacy screens and green barriers.
These great shade tolerant plants from Pacific Nurseries can make a sun-starved Bay Area garden both attractive and beautiful.
Whether you need a lot of plants and trees or the growth of some uncommon specimens, our Contract Grow service can provide all of the plants you need with price certainty.
Replacing turf grass with water-wise ground covers is a sustainable option that seems to be catching on. Consider some of these attractive alternatives.
Are you preparing your customers for the next Bay Area fire storm? This post outlines the strategies, code requirements and fire-safe plants that landscape professionals should be using to address this burning challenge.
Learn what makes California native plants so attractive as valuable additions to any Bay Area landscape.
Learn how our upgraded facility-wide signage and easy-to-use maps make finding plants in our Colma Growing Grounds easier than ever.
To increase customer satisfaction and mitigate disaster, avoid these 10 worst Plant Buying Mistakes when ordering plants for your next project.
Email | Pacific Nurseries
Call | 650.755.2330
Visit | 2499 Hillside Bl
Colma | CA 94014
Monday through Friday
7:30 AM—3:00 PM